Friday, December 16, 2011

Test Resources

Today we took a quiz on resources and Countries. It also dealt with developed and developing countries. There are tertiary, primary, and secondary jobs.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Countries Presentation

Today in class we all presented our reports about developed and developing. There were some very developed countries such as Canada, with low death rate, high income, and high reading. There were also some very undeveloped countries like Angola who had many infant death rates and low literacy rates.


Angola is very poor and has a high death rate. South Korea is a developed country with a very modern healthy society

Developed and Developing Nations

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Developed Nations

Some new technologies gave created a demand for a particular natural resource. Steam engines need coal, internal combustion engines need gas, making computer chips needs skilled labor,
Costs - resource depletion Environmental destruction, Health Problems,
Benefits - help us produce goods and services, creates employment opportunities, helps develop new technologies,
Interdependence of Nations: countries must trade with each other the acquire the goods they do not possess,
Effects of Unequal Distribution of Resources - uneven economic development (rich and poor countries) Energy produces and consumers, Imperialism, control of resources
Developed Nations - have a lot of resources and access, technology, ex USA, have more skilled labor, higher low economic development, higher quality of life, generally urban, most people work in secondary and tertiary areas, high GDP, highly educated, literacy rate is high, infant mortality is low, percentage of urban,

Friday, December 9, 2011

Quiz Resources

Today we took a quiz on resources. It involved their efficiency how much is created and consumed in all different countries. It dealt with coal, petroleum, nuclear energy and fossil fuels

Thursday, December 8, 2011

China Labor

Today we finished the video on why even Americans decide to hire Chines labor instead of American. It is because they will work for so cheap. Also their country is so cheap that unlike america who blows up or destroys buildings china breaks them down piece by piece saving everything of any value to be reused.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Transporting Products

Today in class we discussed how almost all of are products we own here in the USA, come from other countries, especially China. Also many American made products do not get bout because they are same quality for more money. This is because the minimum wage in US so if employers have to pay there employees more in order to make money they need to sell their products for more. We also discussed that your mainly limited to one child in china so it is very devastating when kids die.

Monday, December 5, 2011


When trees get cut down, 20% of global warming cause, half forest destroyed from this, fast way of making money, rain forest hold species of animals, since 1970 327,823 rain forests have been destroyed the size of New Mexico in size sort of,


Petroleum causes carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides,
main cause of global warming,
carbon monoxide is the main characteristics of petroleum fuel exhaust,
One third of CO2 is released into the atmosphere every year from fuel exhaust,
We get most Petroleum from Saudi Arabia, Forms from dead plants and animals,
Middle East exports the most cause they got the most, US consumes approximately 19.15 million barrels of oil per day,

Fossil Fuels

The US uses 18,690,000 bbl/day from record in 2009. US uses most ffuels in the world,
Saudi Arabia possess about 20% worlds petroleum, US uses most oil,Ffuels are formed by natural processes,
  There is about 21.3billion tones of ffuels being burned per year, Top 5 oil consumers, US,  European Union, China, Japan, and India,
Ffuels were discovered by a man in 1800's, Top producer Saudi Arabia, ffeuls formed by decomposition of dead organisms that lay under the ground,
Can be used to make gasoline, heating, Diesel, Fuels, Making Plastic, Jet Fuel, Asphalt,

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Today I did research on coal. My objective was to find out how it powers electricity and how it works. Coal is burned and the steam powers machines that produce electricity sort of. Also it can be melted into forms of iron which is used to make the steel we use for bridges and cars. Coal is also very abundant and a reliable resource, although it does somewhat harm the environment.